What is a Porcelain Veneer?

You can think of a porcelain veneer a lot like a contact lens, but for your teeth! 

Porcelain veneers are extremely thin (0.3mm, about the thickness of a business card) sheets of porcelain that are bonded to the front of your tooth. Porcelain is the material of choice because it most naturally replicates human enamel. They are used to change the shape, color, size, and symmetry of the teeth and smile.

Common problems veneers can fix

Spaces and gaps between the teeth

Broken or chipped teeth

Uneven or crooked teeth

Severely discolored teeth

A dazzling new smile in just 2 visits!

Visit #1 : Preparation

Your first visit involves preparing your teeth for the veneers. We’ll make room on your teeth by removing some enamel (about the thickness of a fingernail). We’ll then take an impression of your smile, sending it to our local dental lab to custom fabricate your veneers.

Visit #2: Bonding

About 10-14 days later, you’ll come back to our office for your second visit where we’ll permanently attach your porcelain veneers. We’ll proceed with a gentle cleaning and then bond the veneers on your teeth with a high-grade resin dental cement.


In less than an hour, you will have your brand new smile. Enjoy the selfies!

Don't settle for a smile you don't love!